Youth in Purpose on Purpose

Youth in Purpose on Purpose (YiPoP)

“We’re youth meeting every Friday except first Fridays at 7pm nightly, where we come and take time out of our regular lives and basking in the fellowship of the Lord and the other Youth around us.

This initiative was started years ago under the name Joshua Generation, as it was telling us that we’re the lively vibrant Youth which was called by God to inherit the Promise Land. Our voices will tear the walls of Jericho down. Then later we were advised that our name should be changed to Generation Next (Gnexx) which signifies that we’re the next generation of human beings. The next set of lawyers, the next set of doctors, engineers, writers, pastors, worship leaders and business owners. But this name never sat well with, even though we’re the next set off all those careers; we’re still also NOWs.


This is where Youth in Purpose on Purpose came in. Even though we apart of the next generation we’re NOW Changers. Our purpose on this earth is not to only work on the future but also to use our talents, gifting and teachings to change lives NOW.


God never waited until the children of Israelite, whose praises torn the walls of Jericho down, were adults to tell them to walk around Jericho. He rally them up from the age of 21 years and younger to institute change. To show them and us that we have purpose birthed in us from NOW, under 21. So although we’re apart of the next Generation…we’re going to be ‘YOUTH IN PURPOSE ON PURPOSE’
…say no longer that I’m just a child.

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