Letisha Scotland

Letisha Scotland

As a child growing up I would frequently hear “anyting too black nuh good, and that my siblings and I will not amount to anything much in life”. I never considered myself beautiful enough or smart enough for anyone. When I saw girls in my community drawing the attention of men and they didn’t even looked at me, I thought, wow I must really be ugly.

I suffered through molestation and ridicule at the age of 4. I felt unloved and not cared for. My mom was there but I suppose she was somewhat afraid or shocked. Later in life I came to realize that my mom too was a victim of child abuse/molestation.

I got pregnant at the age of sixteen by a guy who had noticed me from an adjoining community. This was never my intention and when I found out I tried committing suicide, but God was on our side. My son was born a healthy child despite what I had tried to do to him and me. My first born is now in college doing his masters in Computer Science and Web page design.

In my young adult life I still struggled with loving myself. I tried suicide on a few occasions, but God said no. When I found out I was pregnant with my second child I attempted an abortion, but God said not this one. Still struggling with low self-esteem. When I discovered I was pregnant for the third time, I again contemplated suicide, but I could hear the Lord saying come To Me and I will provide for you. I love you with an everlasting love that only I can give, not man.

I prayed and ask God to give the courage to leave the relationship I was in and He did so. It took a lot of fasting, reading and meditating on God’s Word (declaring what His Word says about me), praying and support from my Fellowship Tabernacle family to get me through years of negative words that had been spoken over my life by family members, associates and even friends.

I use to believe in their lies, lies of the enemy but I can freely lift my hands and say I am delivered and set free. Now I am loving me and walking in the assurance of God’s everlasting love for me and my children.


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